Tuesday, March 27, 2012

First week down... Thank goodness!

The first week in a new assignment is usually very stressful and not much fun. Most people try to avoid starting a new job... we must think it is enjoyable because we start a new one every 3 to 6 months!

With a new assignment comes a new house to stock, new places to explore, new roads to learn, new people to try to be friends with, new hospitals to attempt to figure out, new grocery stores, new churches to find, new obstacles you don't know that even exist until you reach them... 
We are so thankful for the one constant in our lives- each other

Once we have a day off, we remember why we keep doing this... we love to travel, to explore new places, to meet new friends, to experience new cultures, to try new foods...

We try to remember this in our first week of working!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you're keeping a good perspective on life. That is tough to do no matter where you are!
