Monday, January 27, 2014

Winter Wonderland

 It has snowed and snowed and snowed some more

Backing down our driveway is like going through a tunnel..... and backing up straight is not one of my fortes!

Regardless of the cold and snow, 
Andrew gets irritable if he has to spend all day inside.

Standing on his "Snow throne" with Gramps

Seriously Gram?! Bare piggies? 
Andrew is a hot box!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Waking up with a hair cut

 The "before" picture

 Andrew is completely unaware of getting his hair cut. 
Once in a while he would groggily lift up his head and swat his hand at me, but then he would go back to sleep!

The "after" picture. 
It took off 10 pounds! (a true sign of a good hair cut!)

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Christmas with the Cousins

One of the best parts about being the youngest grandchild is that Andrew has tons of cousins to play with.

Sometimes it is just so much fun to take in all of the activity.

 He got to meet Santa and Mrs. Claus for the first time.

In Wisconsin, we got to see his other two cousins.