Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Our Family Christmas

 We enjoyed many days of celebrating Christmas.

Andrew rather liked all of the paper and box stuffing. 
We could have wrapped up empty boxes!

The way to know if Andrew likes something: He puts it in his mouth

We spent Christmas Eve in Chicago. Andrew even bought us dinner! 
(Actually someone thought Andrew was so cute that they bought us dinner in honor of him)
Thanks Bud! (And to the people that bought us dinner!)

It seems every time we go to Chicago it is bitter cold!

The Christmas Tree

I found some old pics of getting our Christmas tree!

It was the first time in a couple of years that we even had a tree.

Although Kurt and Randy don't appreciate the whole "tree experience", they love us girls and humor our love of real trees!

Elise and Randy were very particular about how wide their tree could be.
 (Here they are measuring their tree)
They forgot to check how tall their tree was... and ended up getting a tree wider than tall!!

Little mister is looking a bit mischievously at that new "toy" 

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Love those cuddles

"Daddy, what are you doing?"

"I didn't do it, I promise!!"

Pretty soon we will have a crawler!

The Busy Zoo

We have a new trick of standing by the Busy Zoo

But sometimes the zoo attacks you...

And then you poop your pants.

A more stable way to play with the Busy Zoo!! (but not near as exciting!)

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Lets Eat!

To our dismay, it is about time to start eating some real food.  We want our son to grow, but we don't want to clean up real food poops (I do that enough at work already).

Bananas are so funny Daddy.

Mmmm mmmm, my tummy is so full. Hey, where's my milk?