Saturday, June 29, 2013

The Pool Project

A couple of weeks ago, we had 2 additional household residents... 
2 ducks really liked our pool!

Kurt began the process of "opening the pool" 
It took a while...
he felt he learned a lot about our pool...
and Ta Da!!  
Our beautiful pool!!

We had a leak... or two...
Come to find out, the entire pipe was leaky.

So he rented a jack-hammer...

and started digging...

and drilling...

and saying naughty words...

But, two and a half weeks later, the leak is fixed!! 
(or so we think)
*There had better not be a sequel to this blog post. 
If there is, it will be of the pool getting filled in.
I am not kidding!

Monday, June 24, 2013

T-ball with the boys

Shontel's boys are very into baseball.


Daniel is very good with babies. He is quite the entertainer.

Andrew can't wait to get out there! He is already trying to stand up!!

Mornings with Gram

So I can get an extra hour of sleep, Andrew spends some mornings with Gram. He squirms for me in the morning... but he SLEEPS for Gram!

Gram doesn't get a lot done in the mornings...

She tries to multi-task but Andrew likes her undivided attention.

Always keeping one eye on Gram. "Is she watching me?"

"Awww, Gram! Too many kisses!"

Happy Father's Day

We were planning a Father's Day pool party... 
due to no electricity and basements flooding, it almost didn't happen!