Thursday, April 24, 2014

The Hunt

There was quite the egg hunt this past Sunday. Here the boys are receiving their instructions

They are off running!

Aunt Jo helped Andrew catch the vision of the Easter Egg Hunt!

To save energy, Peter grabbed a ride from Gramps and Nana

After the rigorous hunt, the boys had to assess their winnings.

The 4 babies making bargains on their eggs. Andrew isn't so sure he got a good deal... the other kids took out the candy of the egg before they gave it to him!!

Andrew is still a little peeved at his lack of candy!

The adults had our own egg experience! We continued the tradition of coloring Easter eggs!
It was Randy's first time coloring eggs. He missed the coloring part and went into abstract art by just breaking the shell. Very creative Randy!

The boys were crazy on the tramp! All the candy was getting worked out of their system!!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

A trip to Fort Lauderdale

For spring break, we were nuts enough to take 3 babies on a plane in order to get to some warm weather.

Who loves the beach? 
Andrew does!!

There was a lot of activity.... not much solitary sun bathing!

Elise and I managed to read a book though. 
Gram was not so lucky!

Everyone walking by Elise said something along the lines of
"She has her hands full."

They thought she had triplets!

Attempting to shop

Andrew really got into playing with the girls. They didn't always appreciate him stealing their shoes, toys, and their momma's time...
However, Elaina thought that Andrew was her baby so she would feed him her food and make him drink out of his sippy cup.
He had a lot of "mommas" this past week!

He didn't mind!

Kurt came down the last half of the week. 

We went to Everglades National Park one day...

... and saw lots and lots of gators. 

Andrew could have cared less about the gators but he liked the tram ride because he got LOTS of snacks!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

A Hop, A Skip, and A Jump

Andrew is gonna be about eleven months old in a few days and a little less than a week ago he decided to take his first steps by himself.
.....This is what I would consider his "hop."

As you can see he's a bit wobbly yet, but he is working on it and he is also thrilled with his own progress.
....I suppose this would be his "skip."

.....I guess you'd have to call this his "jump."