Wednesday, November 23, 2011

We've extended!

We have decided to stay in Hawaii for 3 more months! We just couldn't bear the thought of going back to the mainland weather in December. So... we are here through February!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

La Perouse Bay

Yesterday we went on a hike in the lava fields at La Perouse Bay.  You can see the path of the lava flow down the side of the mountain.
Along the ocean, the white coral is interspersed with the black lava.

It was insanely windy. The gusts are usually 50mph. So... I am jumping to show you how the wind is blowing me while I am up in the air. (the only problem is... I am a white girl who has very pathetic jumping capabilities. Yes, if you look close, my feet are off the ground)

Kurt was of course trying to skip rocks into the raging sea.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Fruit Ninja

What do two night shift nurses do if they can't sleep? Play Fruit Ninja!!! :)
Yes, I have the high score (much to Kurt's dismay) and I spend WAY less time playing it than Kurt 

Today we went on a hike in Kapalua. It started out warm, windy and sunny. Within 10 minutes of this first picture it started raining and got quite cold! (low 70's) 
Now, I know that you all received snow at home today, but we are getting soft here!! We don't know what we would do if we were still in Alaska. :)

Beautiful Skies

And God said, "This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you 
and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come:

 I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the 
covenant between me and the earth."
Genesis 9:12-13

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

One last day

Iao Needle

With about 24 hours off of work, we took advantage of 
every little minute to have Mom and Dad see the last of Hawaii. 
It even rained part of the time on their last 2 days here. 
I guess Hawaii was just getting them prepared for Michigan weather! 

A great dinner with a beautiful view of the island of Lanai and a cruise ship 

Thanks so much for coming! We love visitors.

Old dogs can learn new tricks

One of the days when Kurt and I were working Dad went surfing

Looking like a pro shredding the wave

No... Mom didn't try surfing! Next time.