Tuesday, March 27, 2012

First week down... Thank goodness!

The first week in a new assignment is usually very stressful and not much fun. Most people try to avoid starting a new job... we must think it is enjoyable because we start a new one every 3 to 6 months!

With a new assignment comes a new house to stock, new places to explore, new roads to learn, new people to try to be friends with, new hospitals to attempt to figure out, new grocery stores, new churches to find, new obstacles you don't know that even exist until you reach them... 
We are so thankful for the one constant in our lives- each other

Once we have a day off, we remember why we keep doing this... we love to travel, to explore new places, to meet new friends, to experience new cultures, to try new foods...

We try to remember this in our first week of working!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Around Our New Place

Well, it isn't Maui, but it still isn't bad.  This is a view from our apartment complex.  Those are the Channel Islands in the distance.

The beach in front of our place with the Port Hueneme fishing pier in the background.

Sunset near our place at Port Hueneme.

A Quick Trip Across the Country

With another assignment comes another long drive for us.  This time we were lucky enough to stop in Denver and see our friends Seth and Vicky.  We took an entire day off in the middle of our drive to explore the Denver area a bit.

In spite of what everyone in Michigan and Wisconsin might think... not everyone in the country is having 80 degree temperatures.  At 10,000 feet it is still snowing.

The Capitol Reef National Park is near this part of I-70.  

Looks very similar to some of our Arizona pictures doesn't it?

Vegas Baby! Only five more hours to go.

Friday, March 16, 2012

We're Off... again

We have accepted a job again... this time in Oxnard, CA.
Also known as "the nard"

Our "home office" 

It is sometimes confusing to the younger members of our family why we are always leaving... Bryce asked his mother, "what are they, missionaries or something?" 
Yes, Bryce.... something!
(and yes, Bryce is shooting a spud gun)

Monday, March 12, 2012


This past week, we have spent a lot of time with both families. It is good to catch up. I forgot our camera on our trip to Wisconsin so you will have to imagine their faces! 
About a week after we got home we were craving the beach so bad that we went to Holland State Park for a short bit.... Short is the key word.

It was COLD!!!

Because we were gone over Christmas, Kurt was not able to make a gingerbread house with the kids. Kurt and Addie started out playing nice..... by the end, the candy had set in and they were wild with a sugar high.

 All of Trisha's brothers and sisters were able to get together for an amazing game of Bocce Ball.

It was intense.

And then Kristin fell down.

A Wedding Weekend

My (Trisha) college friend got married this weekend. We all went to Sammy's nails to make us look pretty... and Sammy did a pretty good job!

The bride was beautiful

Kurt caught a picture of me digging into the Nutter-Butters..... you can tell from my expression that I am thrilled! We were starving!

They did it! 
Matt and Hillary Kosik


Of course, my own prince charming was at my side all weekend....picking up my tissues (I had caught a cold and lost my voice) and driving me home when I was too tired to stay awake.
Thanks, Babe

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Goodbye Hawaii, Hello Michigan

On our last day in Hawaii, we were able to borrow our neighbor's kayak and go exploring for whales and turtles. Because of Kurt's close encounter with the whales, he was a little gun shy to be too close to the whales. 

The view from our kayak back to our condo.  It was a cloudy day which matched our mood...  sad to leave Maui.

We took a walk on the Wailea Beach walk and enjoyed the warmth of the sun for one last time. 

Yet, once we arrived back on the mainland, we were welcomed back with the thing we missed most while we were in Maui... family. Shontel and her boys made signs to welcome us back. The hugs made it worth coming back home.