Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Our First Year in Travel Nursing

Check out the link!  This is just a sampling of some of our best pictures from the last year or so.  We've had a great time experiencing some new places.  If you are one of the lucky ones to have come and visited us over the last year, you might see yourself in the video.  The video is more fun if you have the volume up nice and high!


  1. The boys and I watched your video and we loved it!
    Daniel wants to know why r2d2 died.
    Nathan wants to know why Uncle Kurt didn't wear a helmet.

  2. wow what an amazing year! thanks for including us in some of your experiences :) Looking forward to this coming year!!

  3. Very cool video and loved the music! Your pictures of your experiences have been spectacular and we have thoroughly enjoyed seeing them. Praying for you as you begin your next phase of the journey! Thanks for sharing it with us! Kathy
