Thursday, February 2, 2012

Pearl Harbor

This is a picture of Pearl Harbor.  To us (and it is hard to tell by this picture) we were surprised by how small the bay was.  Right now you can only see one battleship moored here, but in 1941, there would have been several dozen 600 foot battleships.

The memorial to the USS Arizona is still a powerful reminder of the scope of the Japanese's attack.  Over 900 men still lie inside the sunken battleship.

Pearl Harbor is relatively shallow, only about 45 feet deep.  When the USS Arizona sunk, it wasn't totally submerged.

These names are a portion of the 2400 men that died that day.

The USS Missouri is docked adjacent to the sunken USS Arizona.  The 'Mighty Mo' is the last American "battleship," and is also the place where the Japanese finally surrendered.

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