Sunday, December 23, 2012

Bald Mountain and Lily Lake

We took a short hike up "Bald Mountain" outside of Boulder.  It gave us some great views towards the west and the continental divide.

As you can see, there aren't too many trees on the top of Bald Mountain. I get it.

It was such a beautiful day we drove north, straight into Rocky Mountain National Park.

Even though the Denver area doesn't have much snow, there's plenty up in the park.  This is a view of Lily Lake at sunset.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Christmas in Denver

Christmas is right around the corner and the Denver Botanical Gardens pull out all the stops with their Christmas display.  The entire gardens are covered in tiny lights.  Clark W. Griswold would be proud.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Ready or Not... Here He Comes!

13 weeks
 There is a baby boy Feringa on the way.

20 weeks
 He was not cooperative for the super cute pictures. It looks like we have a little alien on the way. (So much for parents thinking their kids are cuter than everyone else's.)

If you can't tell, these are his feet... the only other picture we got was of his thinger but we didn't figure you wanted to look at that.

20 weeks along and the bump is barely starting. He just likes to sit on my bladder...

Friday, December 7, 2012


It has been such an abnormally warm fall/winter that we are still hiking around without the thought of snow. We thought we would need to buy boots... not so sure we are going to need them this year!

An afternoon hike with Seth, Vickie, and the dog... EVERYBODY in Colorado has at least one dog!
Although, this dog is fairly photogenic....

Monday, December 3, 2012

The Poudre Canyon

A few days ago our travels took us up the Poudre Canyon in northern Colorado.

Much like the rest of the country, Colorado has been mired in a lengthy drought.  Here, it has led to some significant fires.  You can see a large burn area that we hiked through in the foreground of this picture.

Colorado is still beautiful and the temperatures have been so warm.  Many days have been well above 60 degrees out here.  No snow yet!

We think everyone out here would love some snow.  We're told this river has never been so low.  As many of you know, we don't mind warm weather all that much.