Saturday, October 29, 2011


The Road Back to Hana

With Trish's parents in town we decided to take them to Hana and enjoy that long and winding road once again.  This waterfall is called 'The Three Bears.'

Standing on a bridge built in 1910.

I went spelunking in a lava tube!

We decided the Four Season's sheets were scratchy and decided to rough it in a tree house in the jungle.

It came with free avocados!

Beautiful red sand beach in Hana town.

It is truly a place that must be experienced.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

One packed day

Mom and dad got their first glimpse of burning sugar cane fields. We drove through that smoke and could feel the heat of the fire through the car. It was impressive

This helicopter could fit 7 people (it doesn't look quite big enough for that, does it?). Of course they put the two slightly squeamish people (Mom and Trish) right in front.

We took a tour of West Maui and Moloka'i Sea Cliffs

Maui Coastline

 An 1,800 foot waterfall on Moloka'i

These sea cliffs rise 3,000 feet out of the sea and are the largest sea cliffs in the world. They don't look that big in this picture. However, when the pilot took us so close to the cliffs we thought we could touch them, they seemed HUGE! (and yes, my palms were sweating)

Thankful to be once again on the ground, we went snorkeling at Black Rock. Mom even got her hair wet! We were excited to see some turtles (and of course an octopus, eel, and lots of other fish)

Then we went to the Nakalele Blow hole. It was kind of weak when we were there (vacation can't be always perfect, right!?)

To finish the long day off, we watched a sunset from the ridge overlooking Kapalua. 

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Hiking into the Sunset.

We hiked up West Maui yesterday to enjoy some beautiful panoramas.

It was a tough hike....uphill both ways, with snow up to the power lines....ok that's not true.

Sunset from the Wailea beach walk.

They made it!

30 years after they visited the other 49 states,
Mom and Dad finally made it their 50th state!

We went to the beach and watched a sunset in order to keep them awake. They had been up for close to 24 hours at this point

We are posing in front of the nude beach (it's secretly our favorite beach)

Friday, October 14, 2011

Hiking West Maui

Today we hiked about half way up the West Maui Mountain.  Straight up hill for about 2.5 miles in 80% was totally worth it.

West Maui is a lot greener than Kihei (where we're living).  It is more like the Hawaii that you would imagine.

We could get used to seeing this sunset from our complex everyday!

Monday, October 10, 2011

What to do when your team is losing.

Today's Brewer game got a bit long (especially when Pujols had his bizillionth hit of the day), so we had to find something to pass the time.

Turns out...our place has a putting green so Trish decided to practice her short game.

I had to show her how its done (what this picture doesn't show is the broken window at the end of the shot). j/k