Thursday, February 17, 2011

Fear Not

Well....for those of you who know I have suffered from Cluster Headaches...they finally put me in the hospital, but not how you'd think.  Turns out I was on so much medication for them (under orders from my neurologist in Michigan) that it caused me to go into a funny heart rhythm.  For those of you familiar with heart rhythms, I was in a "3rd degree heart block," or "full heart block."  Lucky for me I was in the ER (at work) already and had a friend do an ekg on me and I was able to have a Dr. look at it.  We both knew what it was, so I was admitted to the hospital and had my medication discontinued (thank goodness!).  I'm starting new meds tomorrow.  I'm feeling great, and I'm good to go. (it was great to have Trish there with me through the whole thing, she's really a blessing)

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear that things worked out. I think you just wanted to sit in one of those fancy beds and eat that fancy food. But Sprite? Where's the Dew?
