Tuesday, October 29, 2013

A day off of work!

Andrew was surprised he did not have to go to work today! 

We went for a walk in Rose Mound Natural Preserve 
...and it was pretty cold

Yes, that is snow :(

Our beautiful Lake Michigan

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Fall Fun!

We all went pumpkin picking again this year. Andrew is not so sure about Uncle Harvey's Pumpkins!

They are a little less scary when Daddy is around...

Daniel is photo bombing pictures at an early age!
 "Look at my worms guys!"

Hmmm... I wish I could adequately describe what is going on in this picture! 
The synopsis: Boys being boys!

Andrew is riding around on the golf cart in an old wash basin.  
That's pretty normal, isn't it?!

Now that it is getting cold, we get to have robe and slippers days. We have to work on getting the robe to stay on Andrew! Good thing mine wasn't coming off!!

Andrew's hair is hilarious these days. 

He really is getting the hang of eating leaves... easy entertainment!


Here is a glimpse into a 5 month old's life...

There is nothing better than being outside, especially when there are leaves you can put in your mouth!

Sitting up is VERY fun, but after a while the arms are needed for additional assistance in balancing. Sitting up is hard work!

Therefore, when one gets tired, one lays down... even when mom is taking pictures!

He rallies and turns himself to his stomach, but his mother won't stop taking pictures!

So, Andrew resolves himself to sleeping in the grass. 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Road Trip!

Andrew had not yet taken a ride in the car over 5 hours.  So, we figured it was about time to break him in and get used to the car for 21 hours!

Andrew got to meet Seth and Vickie while he was down there.  Last time he saw them, he was in Mommy's tummy.

Andrew is distraught... "What do you mean I won't be the only baby next time we are together?!"

He had to figure out what east coast sand tastes like.

Daddy forgot which end to pick him up by.

It was fun to hear Seth act like a monkey all week.

The Atlantic side of Florida isn't much for sunsets, but you can't beat the sunrise!